The Maricopa County Assessor's Office offers electronic notices, eNotices, for your Notice of Valuation.
This service is easy to use, convenient, provides archives, and saves the County and its taxpayers money by reducing printing and postage costs! It is completely optional; you will only receive eNotices if you request the service.
To register for eNotices, please visit enoticesonline.com. In order to register, you will need an authorization code located on your most recent Valuation Notice. Each parcel is unique, and will have its own authorization code.
If you are unable to locate your eNotice authorization code or have additional eNotice questions, please contact us at 602-506-3406.
Or, you may email us at [email protected]. Be sure to provide the owner’s name and parcel number in the email. If the owner’s name is different than the owner record, please indicate the relationship to the property owner.
Register for eNotices in 3 easy steps!
1. Navigate to the eNotices site and click "create new account"
2. Complete the registration form
3. Your authorization code can be found on your Notice of Value.