Agricultural Classification as determined by the County Assessor’s Office is for land valuation purposes. This is a statutory valuation that is intended to offer commercial agricultural operations a reduced tax liability, so they can produce agricultural commodities, IF they qualify. To be classified as agricultural by the Assessor, the property must be operating with a reasonable expectation of profit according to generally accepted agricultural practices. In other words, it must be a commercial operation that is in production. Please refer to Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) 42-12151 for a description of the type of businesses that will qualify.
Agricultural Exemption as determined by the County Planning & Development Department has to do with how the property is utilized/developed within the County’s land use jurisdiction. This falls within the purview of the County Planning and Development Dept. and is outside of the Assessor’s scope. If you have questions regarding an agricultural exemption, you should reach out the County Planning and Development for assistance. Their agricultural exemption page can be found here:
An Agricultural Classification and Agricultural Exemption are not mutually exclusive. Having agricultural classification from the Assessor’s Office DOES NOT automatically qualify the property for agricultural exemption with regard to planning, zoning or permitting. Likewise, having an agricultural exemption from the County’s Planning & Development Department DOES NOT automatically qualify the property for agricultural classification. The planning and development packet (referenced above) requires an “Agricultural Verification Form” that is completed by the Assessor’s Office. This form will only be completed if the property has current agricultural classification.
NOTE: ***Agricultural Land Use Applications Received after May 15th will be processed for the next valuation tax year. ***